concatenation of events

Waging war on journalists who lie. Exposing the truth about Jack Idema, whose story must be told.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

If Idema is what they say, why isn't he dead?

If Idema isn't a "former special forces soldier" as reports OTHER than from the MSM all indicate (see Green Beret and Special Forces Soldier and testimony below from someone who actually knows the man and has known him for some time--an active Special Forces soldier now serving in Afghanistan), then why hasn't he died at the hands of Al Qaeda and the Taliban during his frightful stay in this notoriously dangerous Pulacharke prison?

What the media had gone to what seemed to be great lengths to do was to smear this former special forces soldier with little or no evidence, based on a handful of micreants without appropriate backgrounds.

If you take even the Al Qaeda tapes especially; which were turned over to the CIA for further analysis--it is apparent that we have one individual who 'trains police' in counter terrorism techniques, but who has never seen a terrorist face-to-face. Here is a man with a mission; and a financial incentive to discredit Jack Idema; not to mention to what depths the others have sunk in order to ...'bury him for as long as possible.'

As time wears on and Idema continues to survive in that terrible place, it would seem illogical and improbable that he is NOT, indeed, what he claims to be.


Free Jack Idema Blogburst

The theoretical scene above which Cox and Forkum so aptly put into cartoon format, is beginning to become, to my utter sadness and dismay, sadly, commonplace. It is for this reason that we should continue to “Defend the Defenders” as Pantano’s mother did when he was accused, and as the marines in Haditha find themselves accused; even before the evidence is all in.

Now, with the Taliban killing people left in right in the southern parts of Afghanistan, it will prove interesting to see what happens because there are already rumors that the government is going to call upon the Northern Alliance to do something about it. You know–the Northern Alliance “Warlords”? Who resisted disarming? There is good reason that they refused to disarm, the picture in Afghanistan is not a pretty one, and it just goes to demonstrate clearly that diplomats absolutely should have no voice in military matters.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if that is in fact what happens and they will call upon Jack for his assistance in erradicating the vermin which Karzai has been trying to ‘make peace’ with?

400 dead last month, around 800 dead this month–the journalists don’t seem to be complaining about the deaths of coalition forces…probably because they’re not wearing black turbans and yelling ‘allahu akhbar!”

With the recent hub bub about Haditha and their cries about human rights violations, what about the Taliban’s human rights violations of coalition soldiers? I guess those don’t count.

If something isn’t done about this -by someone who knows something about terrorists and how to deal with them-(and not some guy sitting behind a computer who calls himself a counter terrorism expert who’s never even been to Afghanistan)-the turnover to NATO forces will be a literal bloodbath in favor of the Taliban.

The coalition deaths over the past two months have surpassed the entire death toll from the 2001-2002 war.

When Zarqawi was killed I noticed Khalilzad standing in the limelight with his thumbs up next to PM Maliki. I can’t imagine he ever had anything to do with that…the only thing he seems to be good at is demonizing American soldiers, asking who shot first when there is a scurmish with a terrorist, and releasing more terrorists and then feigning surprise when more suicide bombings occur.

Yet, at this moment, Jack and Brent remain at Pulacharke prison and we’d still like to know why when the Taliban are running free; and they’ve been releasing MORE every month. The same policy of appeasement has begun in Iraq, thanks in part to Khalilzad, who moved from being the Ambassador to Afghanistan and screwed things up there pretty well, and then moved on to Iraq to do the same thing.

So what can we do? Well, anyone reading this with their own blog, and who believes the WoT still needs fighting, can sign up for the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst by emailing Cao or Rottweiler Puppy for details. I’d urge everyone to do this, as we’re still terribly short on takers. If you want to know more about the story, Cao’s Blog has a large section devoted to Jack Idema. There’s also a timeline here, and, of course, a huge amount of information is available over at SuperPatriots, without whose work none of us would have learned about Jack’s story.

You can also contact the following people and make your feelings known:

Secret US EMBASSY Fax: – 301-560-5729 (Local US Fax: Goes RIGHT TO Ambassador)
c/o US Ambassador Ronald Neuman
6180 Kabul Place
Dulles, VA 20189-6180

US Consul Russell Brown – 011-93-70201908 (Fired)

US Consul Addie Harchik- 011-93-70201908 (denied them water and mail at Thanksgiving)

US Embassy Translator Wahid – new – 011-93-70201902

US Embassy Translator Bashir Momman– 011-93-70201923

US Consul (friend of Jack’s Now fired) Dawn Schrepel– 011-93-70201908

Embassy of Afghanistan (Good guys, Northern Alliance)
2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Ph: 202-483-6410, Fax: no. 202-483-6488

Ambassador Massoud Khalili (wounded with Massoud)
Islamic State of Afghanistan
Embassy of Afghanistan
New Delhi, India

H.E. Said Tayeb JAWAD (Afghan Ambassador- powerful in US)
Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington
2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (+1-202) 483 6414
Fax: (+1-202) 483 9523

Mr. Jahed Hamrah, Consul General (pro-Taliban)
360 Lexington Avenue,
11th Floor New York,
New, York, NY 10017
Tel.: (+1-212) 972 2276 or 972 2277
Fax: (+1-212) 972 9046

Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E880
Washington, DC 20301-1000
Ph: (703) 692-7100
Fax: (703) 697-9080

Lt General William Boykin
Deputy Undersecretary
of Defense for Intelligence
1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E836
Washington, DC 20301
Ph: (703) 697-0170
Private Fax: (703) 697-9080

Stephen Cambone
Principle Deputy Secretary for Intelligence
1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E
Washington, DC 20310-0100

General Peter J. Shoomaker
Chief of Staff, Department of the Army
200 Army Pentagon – Room # 3E528
Washington, DC 20310-0200
Ph: (703) 695-2077 / Fax: (703) 614-5268

The Honorable John D. Negroponte
Director National Intelligence
New Executive Office Building
725 17th Street, N.W., Room 4203
Washington, DC 20503

The Committee
On Homeland Security
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Peter Hoekstra
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
H-405, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-6415;
Office: (202) 225-4121 / Fax: (202) 225-1991
Toll Free: (877) 858-9040

Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights
On the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Ph: +41(0)22 917 97 27 Fax: +41(0)22 917 90 18

Senator Steven Saland (Jack’s Rep and Neighbor)
9 Jonathan Lane
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack’s Rep)
United States Senate
310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 122
Raleigh, NC 27601
Ph: 919.856.4630
Fax: 919.856.4053

Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack’s Rep)
United States Senate
555 Dirksen Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202.224.6342
Fax: 202.224.1100

Senator Richard Burr (of Interest)
United States Senate
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3154 / Fax: (202) 228-2981

Senator Bill Nelson (in the fight on Jack’s Side)
United States Senate
Hart Senate Office Building
Room 716
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 202-228-2183
FL Fax 407-872-7165

Senator Dianne Feinstein (Bennett’s Representative)
United States Senate
Hart Office Building, Room 331
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3841

Representative Mike McIntyre (Jack’s Representative)
United States Congress
2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2731 / Fax (202) 225-5773

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (reference Captain Bennett- CA citizen)
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841 / Fax: 916-445-4633

Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US

Technorati Search for Jack Idema

The Free Jack Idema Blogroll:

Acts of Aggression
Big Dog's Weblog
Cao's blog
Causes of Interest
concatenation of events
Devil's Kitchen
Freedom Folks
Irate Nate
Kender's Musings
Making Headlines
Red Hot Cuppa Politics
Right For Scotland
Rottweiler Puppy
Sacramento Boxing
Stuck on Stupid
The City Troll
The Daily Blogster
The Lone Voice
The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill
Theodore's World


Friday, June 09, 2006


Interesting article which depicts a sad state of affairs and an appalling waste of money internationally. The root causes are not being addressed; humanitarians will not succeed when lawlessness and poverty reigns. Afghanistan's justice system is broken, money and bribery rules.

KABUL (AINA), June 7, 2006— Afghanistan’s history is one of war, violent uprising, chaos, and lawlessness. In a country where only one city, Kabul, is truly under control of the central government, and even that is sometimes in question, law is an elusive theory a best.

Afghan courts are permeated with corruption and bribery, 4,000 prosecutors work for payoffs, not justice, the police can be bought off in the drop of hat, or in their case, by dropping a few thousand Afghani, roughly $40. Murder your neighbor and pay the police $250 to write a report that says self defense. Car accident? It will cost you $20 if it’s the other guys fault and $40 if it is your fault. Either way, you pay. If you don’t have money to pay, your case goes from the police department to the prosecutor’s office. Add another zero to justice, because now even a simple crime will cost a $100 plus. Murder, narcotics trafficking, kidnapping, and other violent crimes will cost you $500 to $1000. Everyone needs a slice of the pie; police, prosecutors, and the, judges. Families that cannot afford a bag of rice sell all they can, from jewelry to daughters, to raise the money to buy a son or husband out of prison.

In Afghanistan, crime is a business, not just for the criminals, but for the police, the judges, and most of all, the prosecutors. And it isn’t just actual crime; it’s the allegation of crime. If you have money, or someone thinks you have money, plan on being arrested at some point. Hopefully you have the money to buy your way out. Police make $40 per month salary, barely enough to feed a single man, no less a family of five, and most have more depending on them, from mothers, sisters, wives, and children, lots of children. A cop doesn’t have much of a choice. Food, house rent, medicine, all of it funded by how adept you will be at finding a patsy, fabricating a criminal charge, making the offer, and collecting the money.

The justice system is broke, the prison system broke, the administration is broke, and the whole country is broke. Five years after US Army Special Forces teams and Northern Alliance soldiers liberated Afghanistan from the grip of terror and oppression by Taliban and al-Qaida terrorists, the entire country still remains neglected, pitifully poor, and in a vicious state of disrepair and disorder.

Few of President George W. Bush’s promises to the Afghan people have been met. Fewer of President Hamid Karzai’s promises have been even attempted. With more than 6 billion US dollars going into an imploding Iraq every month, the Afghans are lucky to be able to scrap up a few million in international donations each month. Britain just promised $71 million dollars in aid. Not to the country of Afghanistan, but to a province partially, if not principally, controlled by the Taliban insurgency, which is growing daily. In a way, it could be construed as a British bribe. The theory being that if you throw money at areas of insurgency, the insurgency will diminish. It is a long standing theory of appeasement, one which has not worked anywhere else, so the question remains why do western diplomats still consider it a viable option?

More than 400 people have been killed in the last month, thousands wounded, and the situation is deteriorating so fast that it is not an unlikely possibility that the country may eventually fall back into the hands of the Taliban, or a Taliban inspired faction. Some experts say Kandahar, the birth region of Hamid Karzai, is already under the Taliban’s control, especially during the darkness that descends over a country with inadequate and limited electricity. Yesterday the Taliban attempted to assassinate the governor with a car bomb that killed and wounded civilians and US military bodyguards in the core of the city. Hardly what could be considered an improving security situation.

These are just some of the problems, but what are the answers? Experts and diplomats believe that studies, reports, and surveys can determine those answers, but the reports usually spend their words identifying the problems, which seem obvious to everyone reading the analyses.

The answers seem obvious to anyone that has lived in Afghanistan among the people for any period of time, traveled in the outer regions, or walked the streets of Kabul. Raise the salaries of the police by double, still a pittance in the scheme of things— a top police general only earns $85 per month. Set up an anti-corruption task force with the power to indict and try officials who take bribes. Cast off the Islamic tribunal styled justice system, putting in place juries instead of judges to hear cases. Impanel those juries for months at a time—unlike western countries it is not likely a jury would complain about missing their jobs. To combat terrorism, form special military units from the old and experienced militias—now jobless—to act as border police and provincial national guards. Make all prosecutors answerable to the Attorney General, not in concept, but in reality. And give the Attorney General the power to follow the law, reprimand and fire judges, and investigate bribery and corruption.

Afghanistan’s Parliament wants to try the US army convoy driver for the deaths which occurred during the riots. Afghan courts put a newspaper editor in prison last year for publishing an article on women’s rights. A Muslim man who converted to Christianity was sentenced to hang, until the Vatican bought him out of prison and spirited him away on an Italian military aircraft to Rome. Three Americans were imprisoned for ten years for arresting terrorists—one of the alleged terrorists was a Supreme Court judge— even the prosecutors admitted they stopped the assassination of a Karzai opponent now elected as the Chief of Parliament. Why they haven’t bribed their way out is a good question. Last January seven top Taliban terrorists bought their freedom and walked out the front gate of Afghanistan’s most secure prison. An American soldier traveling on military orders, but without a visa, was jailed for weeks before the US Embassy found and released him. An American aid worker was imprisoned for carrying a personal weapon—not unreasonable when you count the kidnappings, beheadings, and daily attacks on foreigners. He says his freedom cost $10,000—apparently foreign justice is a bit more expensive. Foreign property is regularly confiscated by police and held hostage until the appropriate bribes are paid. Legal rights, if there ever were any, have disappeared. The “Rule of Law” as Afghans call it, is governed by the power of bahkshesh, the “dollar bribe.”

This concatenation of events must end.


Free Jack Idema Blogburst

Jack Idema and Brent Bennett are still at Pulacharke, but thank God, Ed Caraballo was released back at the end of April and he is now home in the United States.

There has been a lot of movement within Parliament, some officials have been fired, all of which seems to be very good news for the Americans still left in that awful place.

While some people celebrate with sick hubris over the incarceration of Jack and Brent, I find it represensible that anyone would stand against - not only what Jack and his men were doing (they must be working for the Socialist Worker website)-but celebrate the idea that these men might be in any way uncomfortable during their stay there.

The latest development in the Jack Idema case, ,is that Jack is going to have his radio show with us on our new online radio network entitled Wide Awakes Radio, or WAR. Jack will be appearing on WAR every Monday from 10-12 am EST. The website is being developed for His show will be called “Rogue American”.

In the meantime, Jack and Brent are still at Pulacharke, apparently at the behest of the State Department and the DOJ - because the Afghans declared them innocent months and months ago, and we expected them to be released in January of 2006.

We are still awaiting the news of their release.

So what can we do? Well, anyone reading this with their own blog, and who believes the WoT still needs fighting, can sign up for the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst by emailing Cao or Rottweiler Puppy for details. I’d urge everyone to do this, as we’re still terribly short on takers. If you want to know more about the story, Cao’s Blog has a large section devoted to Jack Idema. There’s also a timeline here, and, of course, a huge amount of information is available over at SuperPatriots, without whose work none of us would have learned about Jack’s story.

You can also contact the following people and make your feelings known:

Secret US EMBASSY Fax: – 301-560-5729 (Local US Fax: Goes RIGHT TO Ambassador)
c/o US Ambassador Ronald Neuman
6180 Kabul Place
Dulles, VA 20189-6180

US Consul Russell Brown – 011-93-70201908 (Fired)

US Consul Addie Harchik- 011-93-70201908 (denied them water and mail at Thanksgiving)

US Embassy Translator Wahid – new – 011-93-70201902

US Embassy Translator Bashir Momman– 011-93-70201923

US Consul (friend of Jack’s Now fired) Dawn Schrepel– 011-93-70201908

Embassy of Afghanistan (Good guys, Northern Alliance)
2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Ph: 202-483-6410, Fax: no. 202-483-6488

Ambassador Massoud Khalili (wounded with Massoud)
Islamic State of Afghanistan
Embassy of Afghanistan
New Delhi, India

H.E. Said Tayeb JAWAD (Afghan Ambassador- powerful in US)
Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington
2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (+1-202) 483 6414
Fax: (+1-202) 483 9523

Mr. Jahed Hamrah, Consul General (pro-Taliban)
360 Lexington Avenue,
11th Floor New York,
New, York, NY 10017
Tel.: (+1-212) 972 2276 or 972 2277
Fax: (+1-212) 972 9046

Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E880
Washington, DC 20301-1000
Ph: (703) 692-7100
Fax: (703) 697-9080

Lt General William Boykin
Deputy Undersecretary
of Defense for Intelligence
1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E836
Washington, DC 20301
Ph: (703) 697-0170
Private Fax: (703) 697-9080

Stephen Cambone
Principle Deputy Secretary for Intelligence
1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E
Washington, DC 20310-0100

General Peter J. Shoomaker
Chief of Staff, Department of the Army
200 Army Pentagon – Room # 3E528
Washington, DC 20310-0200
Ph: (703) 695-2077 / Fax: (703) 614-5268

The Honorable John D. Negroponte
Director National Intelligence
New Executive Office Building
725 17th Street, N.W., Room 4203
Washington, DC 20503

The Committee
On Homeland Security
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Peter Hoekstra
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
H-405, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-6415;
Office: (202) 225-4121 / Fax: (202) 225-1991
Toll Free: (877) 858-9040

Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights
On the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Ph: +41(0)22 917 97 27 Fax: +41(0)22 917 90 18

Senator Steven Saland (Jack’s Rep and Neighbor)
9 Jonathan Lane
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack’s Rep)
United States Senate
310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 122
Raleigh, NC 27601
Ph: 919.856.4630
Fax: 919.856.4053

Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack’s Rep)
United States Senate
555 Dirksen Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202.224.6342
Fax: 202.224.1100

Senator Richard Burr (of Interest)
United States Senate
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3154 / Fax: (202) 228-2981

Senator Bill Nelson (in the fight on Jack’s Side)
United States Senate
Hart Senate Office Building
Room 716
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 202-228-2183
FL Fax 407-872-7165

Senator Dianne Feinstein (Bennett’s Representative)
United States Senate
Hart Office Building, Room 331
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3841

Representative Mike McIntyre (Jack’s Representative)
United States Congress
2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2731 / Fax (202) 225-5773

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (reference Captain Bennett- CA citizen)
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841 / Fax: 916-445-4633

Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US

jack idema
Technorati Search for Jack Idema

The Free Jack Idema Blogroll:
Acts of Aggression
Big Dog's Weblog
Cao's blog
Causes of Interest
concatenation of events
Devil's Kitchen
Freedom Folks
Irate Nate
Kender's Musings
Making Headlines
Red Hot Cuppa Politics
Right For Scotland
Rottweiler Puppy
Sacramento Boxing
Stuck on Stupid
The City Troll
The Daily Blogster
The Lone Voice
The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill
Theodore's World
